Elements of Culture

  • Knowledge and Beliefs: People’s prevailing notions of reality are known as knowledge and beliefs. These include scientific realities as well as myths and metaphysical beliefs. For example, earth revolves around the sun is a scientific reality whereas a person is born again(rebirth) is a myth. Shared quality of a belief system is an element of culture which is of great sociological interest. People who share a particular culture tend to be hostile towards those who do not share their beliefs. For example, remarriage of widows was frowned upon by the society in India at one point of time.
  • Ideals: The society’ norms which define what is right or proper, customary or expected in a given situation are called ideals. Ideals comprise folkways and mores. Folkways are guidelines for proper behavior (e.g., respect for elders). These are enforced  in an informal manner. Mores are obligation treated vital for the welfare of the society. Positive (rewards for the right behavior) and negative (punishment for wrong behavior) sanctions are used to enforce ideals.
  • Preferences: Society defines what are attractive or unattractive things in life as objects of desire. The culture of a country lay s down the standards of tastes in food, clothing, housing, sexual practices, etc. What is preferable in one culture may be highly unattractive in another culture.