Moral and Ethical Issues

It is vital for a business to take moral and ethical issues into consideration when developing their corporate strategy. This is especially true for companies like Exxon and Ford, which operate on a global basis. Their actions affect the environment, etc. the manufacture of steel. Steel itself is produced from pig iron will cause harm to the environment, e.g. destruction of areas of natural beauty.

Manufacturing the steel, produces waste materials, this requires disposal. The manufacturing of cars also causes waste materials, which in turn have to be disposed of. The disposal of such waste materials can cause harm to the environment, e.g. pollution of rivers, the atmosphere, etc.

Using cars causes pollution. The waste materials (carbon dioxide, et.) from using petrol are released into the atmosphere and cause  such problems as the “green house” effect. External pressure groups such as Green Peace attempt to influence public awareness and concern puts pressure on governments to take action.

There may be several other examples in this manner. The three parties i.e. society, business people and government have to be concerned about these issue. A moral or ethical education can influence and stimulate the young generation who can be a better manager of the future.