Characteristics of Seriation


Seriation means the successive arrangement of the classified data on certain logical basis viz., time, size, importance etc. This is done with a view to facilitating the analysis and interpretation of the data from different characteristics point of view.


1. According to Prof. Horace Sacrist, “A series as used statistically. May be defined as things or attributes of things arranged according to some logical order”.

2. In the words of L.R.Connor, “If two variable quantities can be arranged side by side so that the measurable differences in the one corresponds to the measurable differences in the other, the is said to form a statistical series”.


From the above definitions, the essential characteristics of seriation may be laid down as follows:

  1. It is a sort of arrangement of the different values of a variable in a successive manner.
  2. There must be certain logical basis on which the data are arranged successively.
  3. It is done after classification of the data.

It shows the related frequencies along with the data.