Choice Between Primary and Secondary Data

Having thus, discussed the nature of primary and secondary data, a pertinent question now arise as to whether the investigator should go for the primary data, or for the secondary data for the purpose of his study. In taking such a decision, he should pay special attention to the following matters:

(i) Nature and scope of the enquiry.

(ii) Nature of the sponsoring agency, whether individual, private body or a government.

(iii) Availability of time at the disposal of the investigator.

(iv) Availability of financial resources.

(v) Degree of accuracy desired.

The primary data need more time, more fund, and heavy establishment. As such, if the sponsoring agency is strong enough viz. government and semi-government organizations, the investigator should choose the primary data for getting more reliable results. On the other hand, he should go for secondary data which are readily available publications and which usually need less time, less money and less energy.