Objectives of Tabulation

The chief objectives of tabulation can be enumerated as under:

To Simplify the Complexity of the Data

The statistical data as collected appear more complex and unintelligible being clubbed with unnecessary details. To avoid such unnecessary details, and make the data readily understandable, tabulation procedure is followed through which the data are systematically presented in different columns and rows.

To Facilitate Comparative Analysis of the Data

 To find out the various information hidden in the collected data, it is highly necessary to make a comparative study of the said data by placing the relevant figures, their sub-totals, and totals in the juxtaposed columns and rows. This is very much facilitated by the technique of tabulation. Thus, tabulation of the data is made with a view to facilitating a comparative analysis of the data.

 To Ensure Economy of Space and Time

The statistical data collected are invariably explained with respective notes and phrases which take a lot of space and time. To economise the space and time, it is necessary to avoid unnecessary details and repetitions relating to the data. This can be very well ensured through tabulation without spoiling the quality and utility of the data.

To Indicate the Trend and Pattern of the Data

The various characteristics of a phenomenon viz. average of values, their dispersion, and skewness, etc. can be easily determined, if the trend and pattern of the data relating to the phenomenon are known. Tabulation of the data indicates the trend and pattern of the data. Hence, to highlight the trend, and pattern of the data, their tabulation is resorted to as an essential process.

To Facilitate References

On any study in which secondary data are used, it is necessary to indicate the source from which the same data have been obtained from a table which is properly numbered and market with a title. Thus, to facilitate references of the data in future study, tabulation of he data is systematically made.

To Facilitate Computation of Various Factors

For proper analysis, and interpretation of the data, various factors like, average, dispersion, skewness kurtosis, correlation etc. the computation of all such facilitate computation of various factors, tabulation of the data is properly made.

To Detect Errors

In the process of collection of data, various errors of omission and commission may creep in. These errors can not be detected easily unless data are properly tabulated. Thus, to detect the errors, if any, with the collected data, tabulation is made as a step of testing the accuracy of the data.